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mysql table code generator


This little generator can help you to create a table with the uploader form. It has video tutorial how it works.


Ajax mysql updater designer page

watch this tutorial to know how you can build dropdown lists from tables to update its fields.



file downloader script

You can use this program to make files downloadable from your folder, and this program stores in database the number how a file was downloaded.
Click here for the install, and view the video tutorial about the installation.
Download: Here

Watch the video tutorial about this program:

Chat script tutorial from ground

In this video series, i cover the process how i build a simple chat script, which used mysql database to store the comments. You need to run the table creation script sql_create.sql in phpmyadmin to build the table.

The package located here (Please do not link directly to this file):
image.php - image activation code generator
comment.php - this is a main file to visible the chat
functions.php - contains the functions to build forms, and many useful functions to solve this little program.
Watch these videos here:

First Part:

Second Part:

Third Part:


Tutorial about how to make form with php functions!

Click here to watch the video!

You will find it usjavascript:void(0)eful to know how to build forms using php functions,
you can follow the full code in the tutorial, with the explanations and usage. This seemd to be easy program, but who knows?
Leave a comment if you got questions.